Two Songs at Once?

Echo of the Low Light has been all about sitting down with ONE SONG - focusing on its creation, tending it like a garden, putting our all into its very being. When we release a new single, we want listeners to have the opportunity to spend time with it, hearing the little nuances we crafted, their attention fully on this ONE SONG. But this year, we’ve gotten the skeletons done on two songs simultaneously. Our vision is to still focus on recording/mixing/releasing ONE AT A TIME, but it is a shift away from how we’ve done things in the past.

Everything is about content these days - how much can you throw out into the world, how frequently, how fast, so as to ride the ever-changing algorithmic waves of social media. It’s as if the ‘art’ itself is secondary to the social promotion of it. Don’t get us wrong. Instagram - our primary social media platform - has allowed us to reach so many new fans, as well other musicians. In fact, there are three such artists who we’ve connected to via IG that we hope will collaborate with us on these two new songs we have in the works.

Hoping they say ‘yes’…

Kerri McGar